Hello Kelli

I’m whole.

Hi, my name is Kelli. You can call me Kelli, but not Kelly, Kellie, or Kelley. I am a 5th generation Japanese-American living in the West. Originally born in Hawaii, but due to my dad being in the Air Force, I grew up in the Northern Virginia area. After graduating from an in-state university, I decided to make the great move to the West. I have been living in California for almost 4 years now.

So, how does all this information relate to what this blog is about?

Well, I grew up with one other Asian family in my neighborhood. My parents, very Americanized themselves, raised me, my brother and sister with little Asian culture. Sure, we did some traditions but for the most part the extent of my knowledge was about food and a few scolding phrases my parents kept in their repertoire. It wasn’t until I moved out to California when I started to become curious about Asian culture. I was all of a sudden surrounded by all the Asian culture and people that I had been lacking back in Virginia. And then I had this crazy idea that I was going to start studying Japanese. That’s where it began: my love for my own heritage and a love for Asian culture in general. So, part of the idea to start this blog just came from the pure interest to share this newfound love with people. 🙂

Here are a few of my LOVES:
My Family & Friends (I know so cliche, but it’s true. Without their support I wouldn’t be where I am today)
Traveling to new places!
Hello Kitty (probably one of the only things “Asian” that I actually did grow up with)
K-POP in general (Big Bang, 2NE1, T-Ara, KARA, Girl’s Generation, AfterSchool, etc.)
Office Supplies
Spicy foods
Japanese Dramas
Shaved Ice (not snow cone.)

Internet Trolls!

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